Monday, July 09, 2007

Windex Clean

I'm sure everyone has seen the commercials for Windex where the birds fly right into the window or glass doors or the even the most recent one where the man runs into the glass doors and the birds laugh. I always thought the commercials were were silly and wondered if that really did happen because I'd never seen it happen. does! While leaving church this morning, I opened the glass doors and saw a helpless bird on the ground, lying on it's side. Upon first glance he appeared to have been badly injured and missing a leg. I called for one of the men leaving to please help the little bird because it was badly hurt and still alive. I was feeling quite sorry for it, wondering what could be done to help it. I then pulled my very curious boys away from the poor animal and headed to the van to leave. The men thinking they were going to have to put this poor bird out of its misery and dispose of it were shocked when it stood up and proceeded to fly away. The silly bird was perfectly fine and had just flown into the door and knocked himself out. Upon coming too...he flew away. I was quite relieved the bird was fine and had to laugh at it once we all realized what had happened. I now really think the ads are funny knowing it really does happen. What a funny way to start the day for us and the bird!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Exact Change

Well, Gabriel decided to be a human cash register today. At nap time, he thought it would be a good idea to hold on to his money by putting it in his mouth. Of course, this goes against the many times that his parents informed him not to do such things. But, alas, he put it in his mouth and quickly discovered how sometimes you can involuntarily swallow at any given moment. The interesting thing is hearing him describe how it happend. "I was playing...and...and...I..the quarter...I put the quarter in my mouth...and I...then...I swallowed it." According to Gabe, he then bent over, mouth open and hoped it would "fall out." To his disappointment, it didn't. So he called his mother in the room. At this point, he is panicking and saying how he wants it out. Of course, Kelly calls the doctor to make sure this isn't a problem and they instruct observation. When she got off the phone, he asked if the doctor was coming over to get it. Kelly calmly explained the laws of nature and how the body works when you swallow something. Having the patience of his father, Gabriel immediately goes to the bathroom and sits on the toilet...waiting....watching. Unfortunately, NO SALE. Once he finally accepted that it would be a little while, he gave up and took a nap. It's hard work being a cash register. Just between you and me...for the next two days, I plan to make "Cha-Ching" noises everytime he goes to the bathroom. Builds character.